Tuesday 14 February 2012

World of Knitted Toys

Book Depository Link; Ravelry Link

Impressions: Some of the patterns are pretty interesting, some a little off but overall not a bad selection of people and animals.  The book starts with some basic techniques and a generic person pattern that you can then dress as you see fit or according to the tableau you have in mind.  There's also a guide to ease of patterns in the front.

Types of patterns: Toys; People and Animals

Number of Patterns: 47

Colour/Black & White: colour with black and white charts where necessaryl.

Schematics: no

Target Audience: beginner with some skills to intermediate

How to knit guide: some of the basics are given

Experimental/Classical/Modern: pretty classical

Comments on patterns: the animals range from kittens to koalas and almsot everything in between, it's not a bad book if you want to play with making animals.  I'd say you'd get a fair number of patterns from this one.  She does explain the ease or lack thereof of knitting the pattern and what you would need to know to do it quite clearly at the beginning of each pattern.

Some of the animals are more realistic than others, but they all would probably appeal to most kids.

Buy/Borrow: If you're into making animals I'd pick this one up, it's a useful pattern book and I could see variations on some of the ideas being useful.  I love how she uses some textural variations to give the idea of the animal.

Where found: Dublin City Public Libraries has a few copies

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